Wednesday, January 2, 2013

While content marketing may be the talk of the town, it isn’t just about a blog or social media – especially when it comes to lead generation. B2B sales teams are finding success in other forms of content marketing, including live demos and free trials. While interacting with customers on social media is one for a sales team to generate leads, it isn’t the only option. Software Advice in a survey conducted in partnership with Eloqua and CMO found that some types of content produce better results than others.

High Quality Leads
80 percent of those surveyed rated live demos with a sales representative as delivering high quality leads. “Get pricing/price quote” was rated as generating high-quality leads by 46 percent, with free trials following at 37 percent. And when 10 percent increase in lead quality can generate a 40 percent increase in sales productivity (Marketo), generating high quality leads is one way your business can have a positive impact on its bottom line. Make the most of your demos by starting with these simple steps:
  • Narrow your content. Focus on the key features and how these bring value to your audience’s business.
  • Show off your product and, if possible, get it into the hands of the customer during the demo. Let prospects see how your products work first hand.
  • KISS it. Keep it short, sweet and on point. Keep your audience engaged by staying on topic and let the product sell itself.
High Quantity Leads
Respondents of the survey looked most favorably on free trials. 50 percent rated the quantity of leads generated by free trials as high, while about one-third said the same about live demos with a sales representative and white papers. However, the “B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Survey” revealed free trials came in 10th when it comes to content marketing adoption rate, with 61 percent reporting use. As you pull together your content strategy for 2013, see how you can get free trials for new leads.
  • People love getting free stuff – by getting your product for free, they’re more likely to try it. You can start charging once people know how great it is.
  • This may not work for every product/service, allowing your potential B2B clients to use what your business offers for a free trial period is one way to convert a lead into a customer.
  • Free trials are great for businesses that offer products such as business payroll software or high-margin items, ones in which a positive initial experience gives the potential customer the confidence needed to make a buying decision.
In B2B marketing, online marketing isn’t the only option for generating new leads. Live demos and free trials are a great way for your sales team to get products into the hands of customers who haven’t made a buying decision. While email campaigns and follow up calls are one way to nurture leads, a live demo can place your brand in front of someone who may not be well-versed, while free trials can help your business reach a new audience. If you haven’t begun making the most of these two opportunities, it is time to take a second look at your strategy.

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