Wednesday, January 2, 2013

There’s Black Friday for in-store consumers, Cyber Monday for those who like to shop online, and in 2010, American Express started Small Business Saturday. Small Business Saturday is the day to celebrate the Shop Small movement to drive shoppers to local merchants across the United States. This year, Small Business Saturday falls on November 24th. If there are small businesses in your community that you would like to celebrate, consider shopping there on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. B2B businesses can embrace this holiday and use it to market their companies to customers while boosting end of year sales. Here are 3 steps you can take to make the most of Small Business Saturday.
Get Local
Reach out to businesses and customers in your area to let them know what your business is doing for this Saturday. Small businesses are sometimes dependent on local customers to stay afloat. Make sure you’re marketing to those in your area.
  • Send out emails with a Small Business Saturday focus. Because many small businesses are local customer driven, make sure you reach out to those in your area.
  • Online and print classifieds are an excellent place to spread the word about local promotions and special offers. Classified ads are perfect for listing everything and anything – and they’re easy for other to sort through.
  • Find a cause to contribute to. Getting involved with the community by donating a portion of the day’s sales is another great way to promote your business as a place to shop on the 24thfor those in the area.
Show Off Your Store
Whether you’re online, site-based or a mix of the two, show off your store. You know what your business’s best assets are, from community involvement to eco-friendly products, and Small Business Saturday is a great time to display the reasons why people need to shop at your store.
  • Search for the latest trends in storefront decorations or web design. Changing up the display of your store or website and landing pages to match current holiday trends could bring in a slew of new customers.
  • Use what you have in a new way. If you have a TV or tablet, create a photo-driven slideshow of products, your sales, and hint at reasons why people should shop your store for Small Business Saturday. Light up your storefront with the right technology.
  • Create a landing page for your website that is Small Business Saturday specific. You can feature deals, product information, and additional details about why customers and businesses should participate.
Market Online
In order to make the most of Small Business Saturday, think long-term and how you can connect with new customers while engaging with current ones. For both those in the B2B and B2C worlds, this means marketing effectively.  Use your online marketing channels to promote Small Business Saturday and how your business is participating.
  • Post coupons on your blog or website, advertising Small Business Saturday specials for only those who follow you online or visit your site.
  • You can capitalize on Small Business Saturday traffic by encouraging visitors to sign up for text alerts, emails or coupons in the future.
  • Promote your business and its participation in Small Business Saturday on NFIB, social media networks, and other platforms where you share content.
According to an Echo Research survey, Small Business Saturday was celebrated by one hundred million people in 2011 and that number looks like it is on the rise for 2012. Make sure your B2B business gets involved, markets its participation, and optimizes traffic generated for future outreach. With eye-catching displays, design and promotion, you can create new customers and retain current ones. Shop small; shop local.
Is your business participating in Small Business Saturday? What methods are you using for marketing?

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